Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How is homelessness defined?

The official Federal definition of homeless is:

"An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is: a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and  transitional housing for the mentally ill);  an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or  a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings."
However this definition does not reflect all levels of homelessness. Final Salute recognizes that not all Veterans are living in the woods, under bridges or sleeping on park benches. Some Veterans, particularly female Veterans are living with relatives or friends; often switching residences during the year. 
Q: Will Final Salute Inc. help me if I am facing homelessness?
A:  Yes, via our S.A.F.E program.

Q: Will you provide any other types of specialized services?
A: Since the main focus of Final Salute Inc. is housing assistance, Final Salute Inc. partners with other organizations that provide job training, education assistance, child-care, job placement, counseling services and etc.


Q: What will S.A.F.E provide?



A: S.A.F.E will provide emergency financial assistance to all female Veterans and U.S. military reserve component service members via an interest free loan (or grants on a case-by-case exception).  Financial counseling and education are required as part of the S.A.F.E and H.O.M.E programs.



 Q: What won’t S.A.F.E provide?



A: S.A.F.E funds will not be used:

  1. For non-essentials
  2. To pay fines or legal expenses
  3. To liquidate or consolidate debt
  4. For purchase of home or home improvements
  5. To purchase, rent or lease vehicle
  6. To cover bad checks or pay credit card bills
  7. To help you live beyond your means
  8. For mortgage payments


Q: Is there a dollar limit to S.A.F.E assistance?



A: There is not a dollar limit on S.A.F.E request; however, funds are subject to availability.


Note: S.A.F.E payments will be made directly to the billing company.